The cherry blossom season is almost over. Spring is my most favorite season of all, I think it reflects life so well. In Spring, suddenly the planted seeds are starting to break through and the trees, flowers are blossom and blooming.
I think it’s a good reminder to keep on watering the seeds that are in us.
What kind of thoughts, ideas would we like to grow and nurture within us until they are ready to become actionable. We are making choices every day that will influence what seeds will be shown to the outside world in all its beauty.
It may take time until we can see results, we are considering and reaching out subconsciously or consciously about what we would like to do. There is no need to pressure yourself, it’s not about the time, but it’s really how you feel about what you are doing. Don’t be too obsessed with the outcome but enjoy the ride in this journey.
I used to believe that life is a destination, I have to be and go somewhere, until I really noticed that it’s all a journey. Enjoying where I am and deciding every day what’s necessary for me to focus on and then taking actions towards it. It will definitely takes of the pressure to feel obliged or obligated to only focus on your set target aka your destination.
You can decide freely where your journey in life is taking you.
It’s good to check in with yourself, where I am right now, where I would like to go, how does this road feel like. What else I would like to explore on this path, are there some other paths that are calling for you. Be open & explore your life.
When you are in alignment with yourself, life is showing great synchronicities and you are guiding and creating the situations that are necessary to lead you where you want to be.
I notice more and more not to pressure myself but to relax and breathe more, feeling in within myself. Also taking good care of myself more, helps to water the seeds, some are blooming, some seeds are about to be planted and are growing as well.
Life is various and exciting, spring is a in-between the winter and summer.
Also there are some in-between states I am in right now, that are out of my control. I have decided to focus on what I control in those situation. It’s how I think and feel about those states, energizing the good and moving forward outcome that will be ahead. It is really what I believe shall happen and trusting that it will.
What have you recently felt about spring and how are you doing on your journey?
Are there are some in-betweens in your life and how you are dealing with those moments? What plants are your seeding, what seeds are growing and about to blossom.
Those could be some of the questions to ask yourself in this season.
Have a wonderful spring time and growth.
Love & Light, Sabine